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Are you an entrepreneur? Here is why workation works best for you

For most of us, taking at least one vacation a year goes without saying. It means cutting off completely from work, changing scenery, recharging batteries. But what happens when you are your own boss, let’s say a start-upper, and the very idea of a vacation increases your stress levels as you can’t stop worrying about your business every minute you spend away from it? In this case, workation is ideal for you.

It is indicative that a survey of 500 entrepreneurs in the UK showed that taking time off for holidays was the top challenge when founding a startup. Similarly, another study showed that more than 50% of UK’s small business owners take fewer than six days away from work a year and one in five takes no time off at all.

Today, pandemic conditions have proved many of our working ways are actually obsolete. They have proved that you can be equally and even more productive, when you are working remotely. So, why don’t you give yourself a chance and go on workation?

If you are still worrying about your productivity, well, just don’t. Yes, it may take you a couple of days to adjust to the new surroundings. However, studies have shown that travelling and experiencing a different environment can actually change the neural pathways in your brain – and increase your productivity. How can your mind make the most of its creativity when its daily intake is nothing more than an office in a concrete block and a routine so stingy at leaving space for new ideas? Imagine just how working from an awe-inspiring mountain or with the waves breaking at your feet can make your brain spinning anew.

“Fertilise” your spirit by exposing it to beauty. And remember it’s not actually success that brings happiness, but happiness that brings success. Or, as Shakespeare put it: “A merry heart goes all the day/ Your sad tires a mile-a.”

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